Backlinks, toxic or not, are an important aspect of your website's SEO. This is because the number and quality of backlinks you have can alter how search engines read and interpret your website, affecting your rankings. Backlinks are a vote of confidence that shows both readers and search engines that you are a trustworthy source of information when they come from respectable sites. As your trustworthiness grows, so does your traffic, which helps to set you apart from other websites in your niche. When backlinks to your website come from questionable sources, though, your website suffers. While a credible source might help your website rank higher, a toxic one can harm your reputation and reduce your search engine value. As a result, you must guarantee that all of your website's backlinks come from reputable sources. There are actions you may do to remove dangerous backlinks if you identify them. Learn how to find and remove dangerous backlinks from your website by following th...